
A Beginner’s Guide to Unified Communications Analytics

A big business has a lot of moving parts and people who need to be on the same page, which is why it’s more important than ever to make it easy to communicate with each other. Keeping tabs on your team might involve some or all of e-mail, instant messaging, audio calls, and video calls on a daily basis – but there’s nothing more frustrating than waiting hours for someone to get back to you. 

That’s why many companies are investing in unified communications analytics for enterprise, which not only puts all these sources in the same place but gives management full access to the data from these different streams of communication. The data trapped in your communications systems can show you where you’re losing time and resources, and how to best optimize your communications process. Here is how unified communications can benefit your company.

Boosts Operational Efficiency

Having access to a wide range of data about in-network communications can make it easy to fine-tune your processes. Many companies find themselves losing time and money mid-project because of bottlenecks or miscommunications. Keeping better track of communications between your team members can help identify where the most common downtimes are and figure out how to streamline the process to avoid these lulls. 

It’s also an opportunity to create better teamwork and camaraderie between employees. Impersonal communications can lead to a lack of interaction and frustration at waits between responses. Being able to shift platforms when needed is the best way to ensure communication stays streamlined and no one gets left behind in a fast-moving project.

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It’s also common for concerns of team members to get lost in the shuffle when communications aren’t optimized. This often leads to missed deadlines and the passing of blame between team members. Unified communications analytics makes it easier to identify problems before they hit critical mass and intervene to ensure all team members are supported and in a role that best fits their skills. 

Helpful in Predicting Consumers’ Decision-Making Styles

It’s impossible to make accurate decisions about marketing your product without understanding where your customers come from and how they make purchases. Many companies treat each purchase as an individual transaction and miss out on a wealth of data that can fill them in on which customers are the most important investment. The good news is, with unified communications analytics, all that information is accessible. 

Every purchase and interaction between a customer and a company representative goes into the data bank and can be used to determine consumer preferences. How many customers make repeated purchases? How many ask for a refund? Which affiliate websites are most effective at referring customers to your website? How much time does each customer spend on the website before making a purchase? These data points can help you refine your marketing and sales infrastructure. 

This is especially important if you’re investing heavily in social media marketing. Having ads for your company on all the major social media sites can be very expensive, which is why many companies choose to focus on the one that best matches their demographics. Access to data that shows which platforms are delivering and those under-performing can be discontinued or evaluated. 

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Critical for Price Optimization

Finding the right price point for a product can be tricky. Companies are constantly trying to balance making money on their product without pricing too many people out of the market. Finding that balance is no small feat, which is why more companies are relying on data to help find that sweet spot. It’s common for companies to adjust their prices based on the season and the demand, and this can create accurate predictions on future performance.

It becomes easier to create predictive dynamic pricing when working with reliable data and figuring out what the market will bear. Businesses can accurately adjust prices based on the time of year and the current market and this is commonly used in the travel and hospitality industry, but quickly spreading based on different factors. This system can also make it easy to find the perfect time for those big sales and promotions to either reward existing customers or lure in new ones with lower prices.

Set Your Company up for Success

Data is your company’s ticket to a more organized future. Unified communications analytics can put everything you need under one data network. Set yourself up today, and you’ll be amazed by just how smoothly things run. 

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